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Resources for Older Adults!

Maine Access Navigator

Maine’s No Wrong Door to Aging and Disability Services


"This tool is to be used by adults with disabilities aged 18 and older, older adults aged 60+, caregivers who are 60 years or older OR providing care for someone who is aged 60+, and formal/informal kinship caregivers who are 60 years or older, providing care to relatives aged 18 and younger. If you need or want help in finding resources, seeing if you qualify for income-based programs, and/or completing applications, please contact your local Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) or area agency on aging (AAA). 

To find your local ADRC (based on where you live), please call the Statewide Toll-Free Aging & Disability Resource Center (ADRC) Number below or click on the Maine ADRC Resources link shown below. You will be able to have your results of this tool emailed to your local ADRC. These questions include the town you live in and what type of assistance you need."

 Statewide Toll-Free Aging & Disability Resource Center (ADRC) Number:


Online Resources for Aging and Disability Services in Maine:


If at any time you do not want to answer a question, you can leave it blank and move on to the next question. You can also click on topics in the menu on the left to skip whole sections of this tool. Keep in mind, the more information we have and answers you give allows this tool and/or a Aging & Disability Resource Specialist to better help you find what you need. 

The required questions with a red asterisk (*) must be answered to get the best referral to meet your needs.


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