About The Bucksport Bay Healthy Communities Coalition
Mission statement:
In order to create healthy communities with healthy citizens, we must all do our part, as individuals and as members of organized groups. The BBHCC is committed to public health initiatives that consider the needs and desires of the individuals and organizations within our community. These health efforts must be coordinated with local, regional, and state public health entities along with small businesses to be sustainable and impactful.
We commit to:
Provide effective and efficient public health services
Promote staying physically active, healthy eating, and mental wellness
Educate about local community resources
Prevent tobacco use and promote a drug-free community
Promote healthy lifestyle choices to prevent and reduce chronic disease
Create caring communities free from all types of violence
Promote volunteerism and civic responsibility
Provide community-based activities available to all ages
Encourage thriving in our community and homes
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Maine Policy Review Volume 24
Issue 2 Aging 2015
The Emergence of Age-Friendly Communities: Highlighting the Town of Bucksport